Moore Days and Nature
John Luther Adams There is no one not even the wind
Moore new work
SoundAttribution Ilya Shay
The New European Ensemble will return again, this time with Prof. Dr. Detlef van Vuuren to take a closer look at our ecological footprint. Humanity literally 'consumes' the earth and our impact can be seen in what is left behind. The work of John Luther Adams explores the loneliness in the Mexican desert and Kate Moore investigates and expresses sea level rise.
Two works by Kate Moore will be performed: the penetrating ' Days and Nature' from 2019 and a brand new work. In ' There is no one, not even the wind' by John Adams, music itself has become a world. During all this, Climate Professor Detlef van Vuuren will outline the scientific context in a lecture. The New European Ensemble is sounding the alarm in a beautiful way.